Maastricht University ranked as world's fourth best young university

Maastricht University (UM) has climbed to the fourth place in the Times Higher Education (THE) 150 Under 50 ranking for best young universities in the world. After maintaining the sixth place since 2013 in the former THE 100 under 50, this fourth place can be considered as a compliment and congratulations in Maastricht Universities 40th anniversary year. The list has been published at the Young Universities Summit in Barcelona on April 6th.

The top 5 is dominated by universities in Asia, the only exception being the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland, which managed to maintain their top position. UM scored particularly well on indicators that provide insight into international orientation (e.g. the percentage of international staff and students), research and citations.

150 Under 50

Similar to the THE World University Ranking, where the UM is ranked on the 88th position, the ranking for young universities is based on 13 stringent and wide-ranging performance indicators for teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international orientation. For the 150 Under 50, the weighting of the indicators has been adjusted based on expert recommendations to ensure they are better aligned with the profiles of young universities. The outcomes for the research category are based on the world's largest study into reputation, conducted by Thomson Reuters among more than 10,000 experienced academics.

The full ranking is available for viewing on the THE website 

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