New: UM Graduate School training programme

Our university has developed a Graduate School Training programme to support research of PhD candidates and to prepare them for a future in science. The programme consists of different courses on three highly relevant themes, namely:

(1) Research Ethics & Integrity;
(2) Open Science;
(3) Impact & Science Communication.

All three courses are available online and can be followed individually. In addition, per theme interactive, interdisciplinary sessions are organised, where PhD candidates share their experiences, applied to their own research, with fellow PhD students.

Because of the foundational nature of these courses, we warmly invite all CAPHRI PhD candidates to this programme, as this could benefit PhD candidates that have just started, as well as PhD candidates at a more advanced stage of their PhD track.

Due to academic importance of these topics, we expect all Phd candidates who have started their PhD trajectory from 1 November 2021 on to engage in this programme during their first year. If PhD candidates consider themselves already experienced in these topics, e.g., via Research Master courses previously attended, they can discuss this with their team of supervisors and jointly decide whether these courses may or may not be of added value to their career. All team decisions made regarding (not) following and planning these courses can be included and justified in the candidate’s personal Training and Supervision Plan (TSP).

Further information regarding the content of and registration for the programme can be found on the Graduate School website. If you have any further questions regarding the programme then please never hesitate to contact our PhD Administrative Coordinator Chantal Claessens:

UM Graduate School

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