PREMIUM excellence programme: alumni reunion

On October 11, PREMIUM excellence programme celebrated its 7 years of existence by arranging a reunion for its alumni. The event attended more than 50 alumni from all around the world. This was an opportunity for everyone to experience the power of the programme’s community again, establish new connections, to see where everyone ended up after the graduation and share with each other what the added value of PREMIUM was in their case.

The event started with a welcoming word from the programme’s coordinator, Fabienne Crombach. She shared what the coordination of PREMIUM meant for her and how the programme aims to not only bridge the gap between study and career for UM’s master’s students, but also to build a flourishing community of current students and alumni that could in the future support each other and succeed by making use of PREMIUM’s community.

The keynote speaker, Mona Shair-Wloch from Key2advance, further addressed the importance of a global network and purposeful career. Everyone was invited to think about his/her own network, the dream job he/she would like to have and share the thoughts with fellow alumni.

The evening was concluded with a festive dinner and drinks that gave the alumni more opportunities to connect and engage in meaningful conversations with each other.

Finally, currently some of the alumni are coaches and clients of PREMIUM or become buddies for the current PREMIUM students. PREMIUM Central management Team hopes that this level of engagement will only grow in the future. With more than 700 alumni in total, Central Management team will continue facilitating the alumni community with more events similar to this reunion and keep programme’s alumni involved with the programme in various ways.

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