Limburg develops and designs production line (small) tissues

Realisation of national Pilot factory for regenerative medicine has started

RegMed XB has received the first subsidy of 23 million euros from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. This is the start of the realization of the national pilot factory for regenerative medicine after the Dutch cabinet decided on 9 April this year to fund the National Growth Fund proposal of RegMed XB. This amounts to a total of EUR 56 million. Through the cooperation within RegMed XB, the funds will be used for the high-quality construction, furnishing and staffing of this pilot factory in the various regions. The realization of the pilot plant not only contributes to healthcare alone, it is also a means to increase the innovation power of the Netherlands.

A unique national cooperation

The new facilities in the regions together form the pilot plant. They cover the entire chain of development and production of stem cells, mini-organs, tissues and smart (bio)materials.

Leiden: Since the middle of this year, the renovation and furnishing of the infrastructure has started. Leiden realizes this in the Dutch Center for the Clinical Advancement of Stem cell and Gene Therapies (NecstGen). In addition, the Leiden University Medical Center is working on a facility where induced pluripotent stem cells and their applications can be developed. The facility is expected to be completed in the summer of 2022.

Brabant: The Smart Biomaterials Consortium Foundation (SBMC) has started the realization of a high-quality infrastructure as the basis of a production ecosystem for bio- and biocompatible materials suitable for regenerative medicine applications.

Utrecht: The UMC Utrecht realizes the Innovation Center for Advanced Therapies with a facility for bio-fabrication, a (GMP) simulation environment and a GMP production facility for regenerative medicine.

Limburg: ReGEN Biomedical, in collaboration with Maastricht University, has started designing and developing an infrastructure for the production line for (small) tissues.

Greater innovation power

The Netherlands is already one of the frontrunners in the field of regenerative medicine. The pilot plant provides an important boost in this emerging industry. Thanks to the support of the National Growth Fund and the investment of provinces, private parties and knowledge institutions, the ecosystem is created in which parties work closely together and that brings a cure for chronic diseases a step closer.


Regenerative Medicine Crossing Borders (RegMed XB) is a patient-driven public-private partnership dedicated to bringing affordable regenerative medicine solutions to patients with chronic diseases. Regenerative medicine focuses on repairing damage to cells, tissues and organs so that chronic diseases can be prevented or cured. For this purpose, stem cells, mini-organs, tissues and smart (bio)materials are used. RegMed XB connects top clusters in the field of regenerative medicine in different regions in the Netherlands (Leiden, Brabant, Utrecht and Limburg), and Flanders (Leuven). RegMed XB's ambitious research currently focuses on curing type 1 diabetes, kidney failure, osteoarthritis and cardiovascular disease.

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