Update #4: cyber attack at UM

Within the possibilities and limitations we currently have, Maastricht University (UM) wants to optimally inform students and staff about the consequences of the cyberattack for education and research. The processes surrounding education - which can hopefully start again on 6 January - are one of our biggest priorities. Moreover, extra attention has been drawn to grant applications from researchers. In this update, we therefore mainly provide information for students, teaching staff and grant applicants. Naturally, we are also working hard to give other groups more information. We will communicate more as soon as possible.

We can currently report the following:

Questions from students about education and education processes

Starting Monday, December 30, UM is expanding the special helpline for students. Employees of the Student Service Center (SSC) will answer students’ questions and help them on their way.

An FAQ will be available on the website as soon as possible.

Contact the helpline

Please note: for a quicker answer to your question, first read the FAQ from the moment it is available. The helpline can be reached on December 30 from 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

  • Telephone: 043 – 38 85 101
  • E-mail address: info@m-u.nl

Questions from study programme applicants

All applications made to Studielink, also those before the cyber attack on December 23, are saved. As soon as possible, we will contact everyone in the application and registration process.

Questions from employees with grant applications

We are making an overview of deadlines for grant applications, such as VENI, Open Competition and Comenius Teaching Fellows. It is important to respect research deadlines as much as possible, but in cases of demonstrable force majeure, UM will appeal to leniency at the authorities involved. Please note, because of the Christmas break, no promises can be made in this area. The information about relevant deadlines has been requested through subsidy advisers. You can provide additional information to /muoacademicaffairs@gmail.com.

IMPORTANT! Don’t use the systems!

It is of the utmost importance at this moment that students and staff do not perform any actions on UM computers or systems. This applies to both inside and outside the university. This is to avoid any risk for research and repair work and for data retention.

Our own IT people are working on getting our systems online again as soon as possible. UM is assisted by specialists from the renowned cyber security company Fox-IT. Fox-IT is performing the investigation and provides assistance. On the basis of, among other things, the results of that research, UM itself is working on getting the systems 'live'.

Contact information

Contact UM at info@m-u.nl or +31 43 38 85 101 (on 30 December from 09:30 AM to 5:00 PM).

Media can contact UM press officer Fons Elbersen: +31 6 53944500.

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