Update #6 and 7: cyber attack at UM

From 2 January onwards, there will be information desks for staff and students at various UM locations. You can also check the FAQ for answers to the most frequently asked questions. For the time being, nobody is allowed to use UM computers and systems. As stated before, only the most important education related computer systems will offer (limited) availability again from 2 January, 08:00. From that day on, also emails with questions from staff members, sent to the newly installed mailboxes of the faculties and service centres will be read. Students can still address info@m-u.nl

Update #7: New Year’s Day – A Day Offline

At the explicit request of the Executive Board, the deans and management of faculties and service centres, UM staff members of units that have been working all-out behind the scenes for days since 24 December, including Christmas, will have a day off on 1 January. They more than deserve this day of rest.

Keep an eye on the website

For now, the UM website is the only information channel for staff and students, so please keep an eye on it. On 1 January there will be no update, because of the day of rest.

Working on 2 January

Everyone who has planned a workday is of course welcome to come to UM on Thursday and Friday. However, they must realize that UM email and file servers will not be available.

Leniency arrangement for students

Students who have experienced demonstrable obstacles in their study progress due to the cyber attack can address a committee, led by vice-rector Prof. Dr. Harm Hospers. Information about the procedure will follow.

Information desks for staff and students

From 2 January onwards, at various UM locations there will be information desks.  

  • FHML: Universiteitssingel 50
  • FASoS: Grote Gracht 90/92
  • SBE: Tongersestraat 53
  • FL: Bouillonstraat 2
  • FSE: Kapoenstraat 2
  • FPN: Universiteitssingel 40
  • UB: Inner city library and Randwyck
  • SSC: Bonnefantenstraat 2

Mailboxes for questions

Students who have questions that are not answered in the FAQ and that are not study-related, can send an email to info@m-u.nl. Study related questions can be sent to your own faculty, via the mailboxes below. 

Staff members can address their units with their questions.  

Opening hours call centre for students

The call centre can be reached from Thursday 2 January through Sunday 5 January from 9:30 until 17:00 at +31 43 – 38 85 101 or e-mail: info@m-u.nl

Education resumed on 6 January

Education at UM will be resumed on 6 January. Some important systems that are required for this will be available online again from 2 January 08:00. This primarily concerns information systems for students that are used for scheduling (inspection only), study materials (Blackboard/ELEUM) and the UM Student Portal as well. Availability does involve more limited functionality.

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