Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering
Research institutes

Department of Advanced Computing Sciences

The Department of Advanced Computing Sciences - sometimes abbreviated as DACS - is Maastricht University’s largest and oldest department broadly covering the fields of artificial intelligence, data science, computer science, mathematics and robotics.

We maintain a large network of public and private partners through our research collaborations and through the award-winning KE@Work programme. In addition, our staff teaches approximately 900 bachelor’s and master’s students in specialized study programmes in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science.

The Department of Advanced Computing Sciences is the new joint identity of the Institute of Data Science (IDS) and the former Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering (DKE).


Research at the Department of Advanced Computing Sciences spans the disciplines and interfaces of artificial intelligence, data science, computer science, applied mathematics and robotics.

We develop new tools and methodologies to advance these fields. At the same time, we collaborate with a wide range of institutes both within and outside of Maastricht University and work on diverse applications, including in the fields of health and medicine, logistics, biology, art, physics, agrifood, smart industries, neuroscience and education.

We also offer an exchange programme for students looking to study abroad.


  • Quantum Computers

    What is Quantum?

    Atoms and smaller elementary particles behave in unusual, sometimes unpredictable ways. It sounds strange, but it is this unpredictability that gives a quantum computer its power. Executing precise calculations with previously unheard-of possibilities in a way that physicists still do not completely...

  • On April 19, during her inaugural lecture, Anna Wilbik explained how we can squeeze out the whole potential of data to the last drop.

  • Two recently announced European projects seek to empower farmers with innovative software components and easy access to practical knowledge.

More news items
  • How can artificial intelligence help experts with their work? This is the topic that the newly established Genius Lab seeks to solve by investigating better techniques for artificial intelligence systems to extract information from data. The lab is a collaboration between Delft University of...

  • Adriana Iamnitchi’s career appeared like a bed of roses. She served as a full professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of South Florida. Nonetheless, she sought out new challenges and moved to Maastricht, where she focused her research on social media.

  • Nikola Prianikov came from Kyiv to study Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in Maastricht. He talks about how UM’s Foundation Programme opens doors for international talent, how he enjoyed his study experience despite war and pestilence, and how the Netherlands has come to seem like a viable...

  • On 09 November, Maastricht University hosted the Dutch Day on Optimisation. At this one-day workshop speakers from Amsterdam, Twente and Brussels presented some of the latest research in this exciting field.

  • On October 25, the international research consortium iCARE4CVD was established. The consortium aims to gain more insight into cardiovascular diseases and future ways to prevent and cure them.

  • Remzi Celebi, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Data Science (IDS) and technical co-coordinator for the AIDAVA project, discusses how Artificial Intelligence, data curation automation and knowledge graphs are used to give patients more control of their health data.

  • Making educational videos enabled math teacher Stefan Maubach to turn education theories from abstract concepts into practical tools.